Test Automation Tools and Frameworks
Test automation is a double-edged sword.
On one side, test automation is a powerful process that can significantly increase your development team’s performance and test coverage. On the other side, test automation can be difficult to implement, maintain, and stay within budget, especially with inexperienced teams and over-ambitious project managers. Even given the challenges of automation, when it is done right the benefits of test automation can hugely outweigh the risks of getting it wrong.
You might be reading this as an experienced test automation engineer researching the many automation tools and frameworks, or as a newcomer to test automation hoping to make sense of it all. Whatever your experience level, we hope that this collection of reviews and demos created by our team of test automation engineers will be useful to you.
At spriteCloud we deliver quality assurance consulting, software testing, and cybersecurity services to clients ranging in size from small start-ups/scale-ups to multinational enterprises. With one of our core disciplines being in test automation, we find it important to maintain and develop our in-house knowledge on test automation. We encourage our test engineers to constantly expand on their knowledge of tools, languages, and processes.
Our knowledge
spriteCloud’s test automation engineers have the opportunity to work with many companies in many different industries, resulting in very diverse experiences. We are also a tools agnostic organisation which means that when we go to a client we use whatever tooling they are working with. This means that our test automation engineers need to continuously learn new tools and frameworks.
If you would like to request a review of a test automation tool or framework, please use the form on the Contact Us page to do so. Below you can find our reviews of test automation tools and frameworks.
For more reviews of Test Automation Tools and Frameworks, head to our main topic page. Testing is one of the most critical processes in modern application development, as the success or failure of the application depends entirely on it. To contend with this and ensure that we don’t introduce more bugs than we fix, we can turn to test automated
For more reviews of Test Automation Tools and Frameworks, head to our main topic page. At spriteCloud, we work a lot with eCommerce clients and one of the most important tests we conduct for them are end-to-end tests. End-to-end tests are at the tip of the testing pyramid and are used to test whether the flow of an application is
For more reviews of Test Automation Tools and Frameworks, head to our main topic page. I recently wrote a blog post on Cypress.io as a non-Selenium-based automation tool using the JavaScript test framework running on and in the browser. Today, I will review another awesome non-Selenium JavaScript E2E (End-to-End) testing framework which is now one of my favourite testing frameworks
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